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Professionals Monthly Newsletter 

In May's Edition 

  • Excellent opportunity for investors

  • Mothers Day 
  • Mayworth 
  • Nundle dog race 
  • Welcome our newest team member 
  • This months featured listing 

Why 2023 Will Provide An Excellent Opportunity For Investors 

1. Lack Of Competition 

With so many potential investors shying away from the realestate market this year due to higher interest rates, the lack of competition puts those who are able to invest in a powerful position.If you have enough for a deposit and can cover the cost of a mortgage, you may find yourself in the enviable position of being the only bidder on a home or apartment, which puts you in a good place to negotiate and save some money. The lack of competition also puts you in good stead with lenders. If you can prove you are a good candidate for an investment property loan, you may be able to take advantage of cashback offers.


2. The Rental Crisis 


If there is one massive draw card to investing in property in 2023, it’s the fact that there is a rental shortage in most cities. According to the ABC, this is due to rising interest rates forcing investors to increase rental prices, plus a post-covidsurge in migration. The other reason is that the number of people per household has declined somewhat since the pandemic. This has created extra demand in the market. Rental properties are in short supply and rental yields are at above-average levels because of this. If you buy a quality investment property in 2023, it is unlikely to stand empty for long, which will minimise the holding costs. You should also have your choice of reliable, trustworthy tenants who can supply good references and are able to pay a premium. Of course, no matter where you invest, it is still important to work with an experienced property manager who provides good service and ensures your tenants are looked after.

3. Price Strength 


Australian property prices have actually held strong over recent months, following a period where average values settled.


A lack of stock on the market means that while there are opportunities to secure bargains, you’re less at risk of losing money on your purchase.

4. Interest Rate Peak 

Yes, interest rates are high in Australia right now and the RBA hasn’t promised they won’t continue to rise, but economists are forecasting they will begin to decrease by the end of the year.If you work with a good broker and have a clear strategy for your loan, you should find it becomes more affordable overtime, or you can refinance to a lower rate at some stage in the near future. Meanwhile, you can take advantage of the fact that other investors and buyers are hesitant and get in before prices begin to rise again


Mothers Day 14 May 2023 

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. 


Celebrated in Australia every second sunday of May 

Australian Country Dance Festival 


Australian Country Dance Festival founded in 2002 and affectionately referred to as Mayworth by the line dancing population, has become the biggest line dance festival in Australia.


There is everything line dancing from workshop dancing catering to all levels, four nights of social dancing, the Australian Line Dance Ball & Awards, choreography, vendors and competition dancing (including the Australian Masters – this is the only event in Australia where you can qualify to dance at the World Dance Masters in Blackpool, England.


4 May - 7 May 

$25 Adult 

$15 Child 

Kids under 5 get in for free 



Welcome Our New Property Manager 

Shania Graham 

Shania has a passion for Real Estate, especially Property Management. As the newest member of the Professionals Tamworth team, she is excited to show all of her individual skills and charismatic character to everyone she meets. 


Shania's background in labour intensive roles ensures that she is not afraid to put in 100% effort and hard work in order to get the best results for her clients. 


Shania moved from the Gold Coast to Tamworth when she was only 20 years old. She has now settled in and started her own little family right here intown. 


Welcome Shania!


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Headline three goes here

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